Tikka disease of groundnut

In india 1974, it has been reported from all parts wherever it is cultivated and causes loss to the yield at about 1560%. Pathogen disease incited by a fungus cercospora personata. Growing moderately resistant cultivars like icgv 89104, icgv 91114 em, icgv 920920, icgv 92093 mm. Aerobiological investigations were carried out for one season over groundnut arachis hypogea l. Plant disease plant pathology one liners 5 agri exam. Intercropping pearl millet or sorghum with groundnut 1. It occurs as two distinct types of leaf spot, namely, early leaf spot and late leaf spot.

This disease is characterised by dark spots on aerial part of the plant, mainly leaves. It occurs in every state in india and in every ground of nutgrowing countries of the world. The tikka disease is a serious disease occurring in areas where the groundnut crop is grown in india. The leaf spot or tikka disease cercospora arachidicola and cercosporidium personatum of groundnut arachis hypogaea l. The fungus also survives in infected plant debris in soil. To assess prevalence and incidence of tikka disease, 997 farmers fields were visited.

The symptoms appear in july and continue upto maturity of the plant. The period between the first incidence of pathogen and first. To monitor tikka or cercospora leaf spot disease of groundnut, surveys were carried out in the groundnut areas of four major districts of pothwar region viz. Chakwal, attock, jhelum and rawalpindi during main crop season in 2017. Superficial fungal growth was scraped with blade and incorporated water. Tikka disease is a common fungal disease of groundnut. Station period n intensity tmax tmin rh1 rh2 1 ahmedabad 21 sep 1991 to 11 oct 1991 21 severe 0. All parts of the host plant above soil level are attacked by the disease.

It is a relatively wellstudied genus of fungus, but there are countless species not yet described, and there is. Lesions appear on the leaves, when the plants are atleast two months old. Surender kumar, shweta jaiswal, abhilasha a lal, amit kumar and ankur verma abstract leaf spots are the most serious diseases of groundnut arachis hypogaea l. Tikka is a major diseaseaffecting groundnut and all its varieties in india. Inheritance of rust resistance in groundnut arachis hypogaea. These are caused by two different species of fungi. Rainsplash and implements also help in dissemination. Tikka disease of groundnut my files file catalog alladis. The yield loss was calculated in the groundnut variety dhaka1 due to early and late leaf spot by.

How to manage diseases of groundnut arachis hypogaea, tikka disease cercospora personata cercospora arachidicola, fungal stem rot sclerotium rolfsii, rust, root rot rhizoctonia bataticola. The groundnut leaf spots early leaf spot and late leaf spot commonly called as tikka disease cause nearly complete defoliation and yield loss up to 50 per cent or more depending upon. It occurs as well in almost all groundnutgrowing countries of the world. The total area under ground nut is about 8 million hectares. Fresh groundnut leaves infected with tikka disease were collected from the green house as well as from the field. Reports on diseases caused by nematodes in groundnut are very few in india.

Tikka disease cause epidemics in all groundnut crop growing countries including united states, china, india etc. Aug 11, 2015 introduction groundnut is the most important oilseed crop of india. In uttar pradesh, the disease is locally known as chitwa or haldai. Avoidable losses up to 45 % due to tikka, up to 42 % due to rust and up to 60 %. Tikka and rust diseases can cause yield losses up to 70% mcdonald et al. Forewarning of tikka disease in gujarat 427 table 2 simple correlation coefficient of tikka disease on groundnut at 1% level s. Pdf prevalence and incidence of tikka disease cercospora. Mahmood ul hassan have been found satisfactory for the requirement of the degree. Click to share on twitter opens in new window click to share on facebook opens in new window related. The use of leaf extracts of differents botanicals and boigagents was found to be effective. Disease assessment 5 6 6 6 7 diseases of groundnut 8 fungal diseases bacterial disease virus diseases nematode diseases 8 8 8 8 mp 1.

In recent advances in groundnut productivity research, proc. Conidia of cercospora arachidicola seen under foldscope. As the disease is soilborne, proper crop rotation is important. Certified that the contents and form of thesis entitled genetic transformation of groundnut for resistance to tikka disease submitted by mr. It occurs as well in almost all groundnut growing countries of the world. A scientific breakthrough on the dna sequencing of the groundnut promises the development of improved groundnut varieties with enhanced traits such as increased pod and oil yield, drought and heat tolerance and greater disease resistance. Determination of seed resistance to colonization by aspergillus flavus 9 10 10 11 mp 5. The causal organism of tikka disease are the species of the genus cercospora namely cercospora arachidicola and cercospora personata. Prevalence and incidence of tikka disease cercospora spp. Oct 15, 2019 cercospora is a genus of ascomycete fungi.

Most species of this genus cause plant diseases, and form leaf spots. Integrated disease management in groundnut agropedia. Summer institute, nrcg icar 1983, junagadh india, p. Losses due to this disease may go up to 1550% and 70%, if associated with rust puccinia arachidicola. Management of tikka disease of groundnut by using different. The parents, f 1s and f 2 populations were evaluated for rust resistance. Due to its high nutritional value it is consumed and produce. Experiments were carried out for studying the efficiency of leaf extracts of differents botanicals and culture filterates of bioagents for control of tikka diasease of groundnut.

Small brown to chestnut dusty pustules appear on the lower surface of leaves. Clear disease symptoms were noted in the fields during the season. Forewarning of incidence of tikka disease on groundnut and. The spots appear on the host leaves when the plants are one or two months old. The first visible symptoms appear on the leaflets of lower leaves as dark spots which at a later stage, are surrounded by yellow rings. Academics in groundnut tikka disease research papers. Rust puccinia arachidis symptoms the disease attacks all aerial parts of the plant. Biology reader page 17 of 19 the biology encyclopedia. Ravindra meteorological office, pune 411 055, india, received 11 june 2002, modified 12 april 2004. At the seedling stage, the absorption of npk was very small, accounting for 5% of the total demand during the whole growth period. Most species have no known sexual stage, and when the sexual stage is identified, it is in the genus mycosphaerella.

Highest spore concentration was found in 9th week while onset of first symptom of disease was found in 12th week of the sampling. Integrated pest management in groundnut arachis hypogaea. Systematic position the fungus belongs to class deuteromycetes. Effect of botanicals and biofungicide on controlling tikka. It is a relatively wellstudied genus of fungus, but there are countless species not yet described, and there is still much to learn about the bestknown of. The formation and enrichment, the absorption of nutrients.

The disease caused by this fungus is the leaf spot disease, also known as tikka disease, of groundnut. Good weed control is helpful as dense weed growth encourages disease development. Cultural control of early leaf spot in groundnut grow tolerant varieties can be grown wherever early leaf spot is severe. Introduction arachis hypogaea also known as groundnut or peanut is a legume plant of fabacea family with high nutritional values.

Control of tikka disease in groundnut the groundnut leaf spots early leaf spot and late leaf spot commonly called as tikka disease cause nearly complete defoliation and yield loss up to 50 per cent or more depending upon disease severity. Jul 06, 20 reusable learning object rlo of groundnut from icrisat scientists. Groundnut cultivation practices peanut farming in india. The major diseases of groundnut can be managed through a variety of methods like use of resistanttolerant cultivars, cultural practices, bi oc ont ro l ag en ts b io pe st ic id es, an d n ee. In case of attack by cercosporidium personatum, the leaf spots are circular 16 mm dia. Groundnut or peanut arachis hypogea botany study material. Introduction tikka disease of groundnut is a disease which also refers to leaf spot disease. In severe cases, the spots coalesce causing defoliation of the plants. Diseases of groundnut 8 fungal diseases bacterial disease virus diseases nematode diseases 8 8 8 8 mp 1.

The spread is mainly through wind borne inoculum of uredospores. Disease management tamil nadu agricultural university. Tikka is a major disease affecting groundnut and all its varieties in india. The disease is usually found when the plants are about 6 weeks old. The uredospores also spread as contamination of seeds and pods. To monitor tikka or cercospora leaf spot disease of groundnut, surveys were carried out in the groundnut areas of four major districts of pothwar region. Before sowing treat the seed with thiram or carboxin 37. Tikka disease of groundnut is a disease which also refers to leaf spot disease. It contains protein, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats etc. Mycosphaerella berkeleyii symptoms the disease occurs on all above ground parts of the plant, more severely on the leaves.

Introduction groundnut is the most important oilseed crop of india. Nov 26, 2014 the groundnut leaf spots early leaf spot and late leaf spot commonly called as tikka disease cause nearly complete defoliation and yield loss up to 50 per cent or more depending upon. Forewarning of incidence of tikka disease on groundnut and operational crop protection using weather information in gujarat r. Cultural control of tikka disease in groundnut agropedia. The leaf spot or tikka disease cercospora arachidicola and cercosporidium personatum of groundnut arachis hypogea l. Tikka disease is the major disease of groundnut in india. This is the most important fungal disease of groundnut.